

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Been a while, but I need to vent. And since I am in a bad mood I dont want to vent to any "one" person as I may be mean or bitchy. And in reality I cant say its any one persons fault.
Th eother day we left our playdate at the farm early because hubbys car wouldnt run. When I got there ( an hour or so away) the car had no water and very little oil in it. I was mad! How could my husband not check the fluids in his car! Now I cant say that he blew the motor for sure, I cant get into the motor. For all I know it could be the timing chain, or something totally off the wall. We paid a million doallars to have it towed home, and there it sits. We just paid it off, he was suppose to drive it for a while!!! But now it looks like we may need to get another car. We are not rich!!! We dont have dollars just floating around. We made a small mistake when we bought thi shouse in that we didnt look into the school district. Well its not great... so we pay for Boy Piggy to go out of district to a great school. But again we are not rich!! I have been trying to look for a job, but the jobs around her are few and far between! AND I wanna be home with my piggies, not someone else! I am frustrated and scared and hate feeling lonely here. friends are well, few and far between too. I dont want to be "fake" but I hate putting on a smile when I just want to cry. I know I have a lot to be thankful for, and I am VERY thankful!! I know things could be worse. ugh! and this breary, gray nasty wet weather doesnt help any!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Day 5

Baby Piggy

Girl Piggy

Boy Piggy

I have 3 "favorite memories" . My kids being born! It is an amazing feeling of love and excitment! They are my life, my joy, my everything!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Day 4

( again, not my pic)

I love Taylor swift for her songs and because I can listen and relate to her songs or I can rock out with my kids to her songs! I love Britney Spears for a million reasons.

Day 3

Gilmore Girls is my favorite tv show! I could watch it over and over again!

( this is NOT my pic)

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Day 2

A picture of you and the person you have been closet with the longest.

A picture of me and my bestfriend... My husband! I love him with all my heart and can not picture my life without him!

Monday, June 20, 2011

30 Day photo challenge!!!

Day 1: A picture of yourself :)

Well my laptop isnt working and this is the only decent picture of ME I could find. Its at the Idianapolis motor speedway.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

My new breastfeeding song...

hahahahahaahahahaha I made it up while going to sleep. I am super tired! But I thought it was funny! :)

Boobs Boobs the magical juice
The more you drink, the more it'll boost
Your Immune and the better you'll feel!
So have boob juice for every meal!!!

Wierd, I know!! But I bet you the LLL would be all over it . hahahahaha ok... I am going to bed now! No more wierd songs. WEll..... not today anyways!

Saturday, May 14, 2011


One word, that's all you said
Something in your voice caused me to turn my head
Your smile, just captured me
You were in my future as far as I could see
And I dont know how it happens, but it happens still
You asked me if I love you, if I always will

Well you had me from hello
I felt love start to grow
The moment I looked into your eyes you won me
It was over from the start you completely stole my heart
And now you won't let go
I never even had a chance you know
You had me from hello

Inside I built a wall
So high around my heart, I thought I'd never fall
One touch, you brought it down
The bricks of my defenses scattered on the ground
And I swore to me I wasn't going to love again
The last time was the last time I'd let someone in

But you had me from hello
I felt love start to grow
The moment I looked into your eyes you won me
It was over from the start you completely stole my heart
And now you wont let go
I never even had a chance you know
You had me from hello

Friday, April 29, 2011

Take me out to the

BALL GAME!!!! :)
Girl Piggy ready for her first ever softball game!!!!

The CUTEST softball team ever!

out field...

HEY batter, batter, batter!

Playing in the dirt with her teammates while waiting to bat...

Just for my father~in~law :)

Hers some picks of my piggies!and not of grass...hahahahaha
The girls playing in the sprinkler :)

Boy piggy playing soccer in the garage with daddy!

Girl piggy on our nature hike with friends!

Baby Piggy with 3 binkies...cause you know, ONE isnt enough. hahaha

Sunday, April 10, 2011

My garden is growing

And so are my kids!!! Kids grow so darn fast! Boy Piggy is like weeks away from being a Kindergarten graduate, Girl Piggy is a couple months away from starting school, and Baby Piggy is almost 2!!!! WOOOO nelly where did the time go?? The weather today was awesome, so we spent the WHOLE day out side. It was so nice! The piggies played and the hubby and I worked in the yard. About a month ago I started my garden. Not your typical in the ground garden. Its a hay/straw bale garden! I got the idea here >> Mckmamas came out better than mine, but mine are doing GREAT! I finally tied my beans up today. I have beans, peas, carrots, strawberrys, cucumbers, pumpkins, watermelon,lettuce and cantelope all growing! Here are some pics!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Long blog!

But I am BACK!! We've been busy around here. School started back up for Boy Piggy, Girl Piggy and Baby Piggy have been back to playdates... and I have been painting my kitchen. A job I underestamated for sure! But I loved doing it and LOVE the color! I knew I could do it just didnt realize how hard it woudl be.


This is an almost It wasnt fully done but you get the point:

I joined a gym! And I got a trainer! I am excited to loooose weight! I need to! NOt only for my health, but for piece of mind! For myself... So I can feel better about myself! And be happy with myself again. :) Also... the gym has FREE child care and the Piggies ( all 3!!) love it! I thought Baby Piggy might have a hard time staying there since she is attatched at the hip!! But She likes it too!!!!!

Friday, January 21, 2011

20 random things...


1~ I chew my nails... gross I know but I do it and I dont even realize it.
2~ I met my husband on the internet. He is 10 yrs. older than me and I love it!
3~ I have 3 kids. I want 1 more but I am scared to have another.
4~ I LOVE going to sporting events, but hate watching them on tv.
5~ I count my steps when I walk and it frustrates me.
6~ I cant swallow pills. I have to take a thyroid pill daily and can barely get it down each morning. and the thing is micro-scopic.
7~ I dont drink caffine.
8~ I am addicted to facebook.
9~ I cut off all my hair a few months back and regret it very much!
10~ I say the word fuck...ALOT!
11~ I hate talking on the phone.
12~ Needles dont bother me, but when my kids have to get shots I get light headed.
13~ I HATE elevators and will walk as many flights of stairs as necessary to not have to get in one!
14~ I hate shoes. I'm a flip flop girl! rain, snow, or sun!
15~ I lived in Truro Nova Scotia for 16 months. Went there from about a culture shock!
16~ I saw a moose walking down the highway.
17~ I have a serious fear of the dentist.
18~ My favorite movie of all time is Drop dead fred!!!
19~ If I won the lottery I would open my own animal shelter.
20~ I am pretty sure I have OCD.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


has come to stay for a little while. Maybe tomorrow we will build him a friend!

This snow is crazy!

We were able to SLOWLY get out today. We went to Wally World and walked around. Everything is pretty much still shut down and you cant find milk, bread, or eggs anywhere. Even the 24 hour wally world closed up shop! Good thing I stalked up before it snowed! Boy Piggy is still out of school and I am running out of ideas on keeping my piggies entertained!

Monday, January 10, 2011

We're snowed in...

And we are loving it!!!
and so are the big dogs! They love the snow!

The Piggies and I went out for a bit and played in it...

We walked down the street pulling Baby Piggy on the wagon. The snow is too high for Baby Piggy to walk in it.

Boy Piggy

Girl Piggy

Baby Piggy

We have a good amount!!!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

We have been busy!

Since I last updated we have been busy doing lots of fun things!

We went to the childrens museum...

We decorated Christmas cookies...

and made chocolate covered pretzels with friends!

SANTA CAME and brought lots of fun things!!!

We had a white Christmas!!

and Mommy and daddy played with the piggies in the snow!

It was a fun Piggy break!! I cant wait for SUMMER time!!! Right now we are getting ready for a snow storm!