

Thursday, October 2, 2014


Been a while! Life's been good. The Lord has blessed me. My 4 piglets are doing great! Boy Piggy is in 4th grade now!! Girl piggy is in 2nd! Baby piggy is in kindergarten! And Epiggy still gets to stay home with mama! I am having a hysterectomy in November. I was sad at first. Then mad. Now I am ok with it. Ready to move forward. I have been battling depression and anxiety lately. Something no one wants to talk about. But I'm putting it out there. I am trying natural healthy ways of dealing with it. I will over come it! I have faith in The Lord. He is my rock! Some days I cry. A lot. Some days I'm happy as can be. It's just how it goes. I always try to remain happy in front of my piglets. They deserve that. And I am happy being with them! It's a battle in my head. A battle I will win. So with that, I need to go pick my piglets up from school. I write more later.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013


I wish I could keep my piggies home with me. Like not send them to school everyday. I feel like I am missing time with them. Watching them grow. They are at school 6 hours a day. A big reason... Its seems like they get my piggies "best" and I get the tired, worn out, frustrated, hungry, angry, irritated, melting down part. It makes me sad. They get my piggies in the morning when they are excited and ready to learn and play and smile and laugh. I LOVE the weekends when I get to see my piggies through the best into the tired grumpy ready for bed. I am SOOOO ready for summer time! When I get my piggies 100% of the time! And I don't have to share them with anyone! I am selfish like that :) I am starting to make a list of things we are going to do this summer!! I am so excited! We are going to go fishing, swimming, splash pads, movies, grandmas house, then grandpas house, run through the sprinkler, blow bubbles, color the road with chalk, and make awesome memories together! Welcome Summer Time!!!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Introducing Epiggy!

Epiggy is the newest edition to the Pig Pen! He was born August 21st at 36wks 6 days. Weighing in at 7lbs 6 oz and 20 inche long. He is adorable as are all my piggys! Its not what Boy Piggy was expecting. He wanted a toddler, someone he could play with. the Piggies were at the hospital when he was born and were able to come right in and see him. Boy Piggy cried. He said " he is tooo small, I cant teach him anything." But he finally held Epiggy when we got home from the hospital. The girls... they LOVE Epiggy! Like cant get enough of him, hug him and kiss him all the time! He sleeps best on daddy's pillow! Soooo.....Here he is....

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Weekend fun

Yesterday Boy Piggy had his first soccer game! He did GREAT! He played in 3 different positions including goalie! He had another game today ( make up game) and he SCORED!!!! I am so proud of him. He played so hard. I was a little irritated that hubby signed him up so far away, but he has two good coaches and a nice little team!

Saturday, March 17, 2012


Well Looks like Piggy #4 is in the tummy oven!! We are so excited! I had the worst morning sickness for the first few months. I tried everything including $15 suckers ( that didnt work), small meals, crackers and sprite. NOTHING worked but I did find that if I ate a Banana first thing in the morning the sickness wasn't as strong. Still horrible but I dealt with it. Now I am 15 weeks, They "think" it's a BOY!!! And I am feeling great! Getting my energy back and nesting is kicking in. I really didn't have nesting until later in my other pregnancies but I am kind of enjoying it. Boy Piggy wants to name the baby Rocket speed. Its kind of growing on me. HAHA I know I am not a totally cool celebrity or anything but who says I have to go with a "normal" name?? Maybe Rocket for the middle name?? We will see.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Been a while, but I need to vent. And since I am in a bad mood I dont want to vent to any "one" person as I may be mean or bitchy. And in reality I cant say its any one persons fault.
Th eother day we left our playdate at the farm early because hubbys car wouldnt run. When I got there ( an hour or so away) the car had no water and very little oil in it. I was mad! How could my husband not check the fluids in his car! Now I cant say that he blew the motor for sure, I cant get into the motor. For all I know it could be the timing chain, or something totally off the wall. We paid a million doallars to have it towed home, and there it sits. We just paid it off, he was suppose to drive it for a while!!! But now it looks like we may need to get another car. We are not rich!!! We dont have dollars just floating around. We made a small mistake when we bought thi shouse in that we didnt look into the school district. Well its not great... so we pay for Boy Piggy to go out of district to a great school. But again we are not rich!! I have been trying to look for a job, but the jobs around her are few and far between! AND I wanna be home with my piggies, not someone else! I am frustrated and scared and hate feeling lonely here. friends are well, few and far between too. I dont want to be "fake" but I hate putting on a smile when I just want to cry. I know I have a lot to be thankful for, and I am VERY thankful!! I know things could be worse. ugh! and this breary, gray nasty wet weather doesnt help any!